Ra Imagery: Blog https://www.raimagery.com/blog en-us (C) Ra Imagery (Ra Imagery) Thu, 22 Dec 2022 03:53:00 GMT Thu, 22 Dec 2022 03:53:00 GMT Old Glory Honor Flight https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2019/3/old-glory-honor-flight On March, 9th 2019, 52 military men came home from a flight to Vietnam. I was asked by a family friend to capture her husbands return. The experience left a lasting impression. It was exhilarating to see all of the support these men had when returning from what I could imagine to be an exhausting but brilliant adventure. Here are some of the photos that I took from that night.

(Ra Imagery) flight" portrait"honor Ra Imagery Vietnam Wisconsin" https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2019/3/old-glory-honor-flight Thu, 14 Mar 2019 01:05:03 GMT
Miss Amazing 2019 https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2019/3/miss-amazing-2019 So it has been way too long since I posted a blog! This is the third year I have volunteered for Miss Amazing. I get such joy from spending the day with them, and over the years getting to really know each girl. It is so inspirational to see these young girls/women have no restrictions in doing what they want to do. It reminds me to keep the spark in my life. To try new things and let nothing stop my dreams. There isn't any thing that I can't do, and these ladies prove that. Keep on reaching for the stars girlies, you all are truly AMAZING!

Reata Rose One Year Portraits-015Reata Rose One Year Portraits-015 DSC01303DSC01303 DSC_1396DSC_1396 209C - Deleen - 2023 Northeast & AD - 113209C - Deleen - 2023 Northeast & AD - 113 katie_mark_round2_FINAL-139katie_mark_round2_FINAL-139 Veröffentlichungen des Fotos ist nur mit namentlicher Nennung nach §13 UrhG, Honorar und Belegexemplar gestattet --- Publications of the pictures are permitted only with notable naming, fee and document copy

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Family Portraits 2023-213Family Portraits 2023-213 209C - Deleen - 2023 Northeast & AD - 740209C - Deleen - 2023 Northeast & AD - 740

(Ra Imagery) miss amazing pageant portrait Ra Imagery wisconsin https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2019/3/miss-amazing-2019 Wed, 06 Mar 2019 01:31:48 GMT
Wisconsin's Miss Amazing Pageant https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2018/5/wisconsins-miss-amazing-pageant I was lucky enough to be asked to do Wisconsin's Miss Amazing Pageant for the second year. This was an awesome experience for both the girls and myself. Any role you play in this program will leave a lasting impression. These girls prove that nothing will stop them from living life to the fullest. I highly recommend doing anything you can to be apart of this program in 2019!


(Ra Imagery) miss amazing pageant ra imagery wisconsin https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2018/5/wisconsins-miss-amazing-pageant Sat, 05 May 2018 03:10:57 GMT
These are a few of my favorite things https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2018/4/these-are-a-few-of-my-favorite-things Some one recently asked me what my favorite thing to photograph was. Although one would think I would say puppies, that is a very close second, children are my absolute passion to photograph. Working with kids there is a moment in time that world seems... well better. They remind me how to enjoy the moment and live life with a full heart. Here are a few of my fav's so far this year.

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(Ra Imagery) "newborn" 2 year old 8 month portrait baby child photography easter photography portrait ra imagery second birthday https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2018/4/these-are-a-few-of-my-favorite-things Fri, 13 Apr 2018 00:22:04 GMT
Newborn Hospital Photography "Fresh 48" https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2017/9/newborn-hospital-photography I'm excited for my journey into newborn photography. After having a few hospital shoots, I can say that I am absolutely in love with this. It is breathtaking to be able to capture the first days of family. The moment can come and go so fast, and before you know they are grown. To have this moment capture lets one regain memory of what we felt when we blinked. Looking forward to seeing how far I can grow in this.

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(Ra Imagery) "hospital" "newborn" baby fresh 48 ra imagery https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2017/9/newborn-hospital-photography Fri, 29 Sep 2017 02:06:01 GMT
Alessa's Newborn Photos https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2017/9/alessas-newborn-photos When I found out my niece was going to have a baby I freaked out! My brain went into automatic artsy farsty mode. I have to admit that I may have gone a little crazy buying props for when she was here.(Tim gave me a stern but understanding talking to...ooops) I had the pleasure of doing her fresh 48 photos as well, which pumped me up even more to do her newborns. I cant wait to capture her milestones and watch her grow.



(Ra Imagery) "newborn" baby portrait ra imagery https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2017/9/alessas-newborn-photos Wed, 13 Sep 2017 23:44:08 GMT
2nd shooter for 8/26 wedding https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2017/8/2nd-shooter-for-8/26-wedding Hi!

Thank you for reading my babble :). So... it's been about a year since I decided to make the big push for photography. As many of you know, this also includes the adventure of being a 2nd shooter for some pretty classy weddings. I wanted to take a moment and share with you some of the shots from this past wedding. While I feel that there is a lot more to learn, I am so excited on how much growth I have made this year. I am blessed to have Paul Manke as a mentor, and am excited to see where another year will bring me. DSC_9821DSC_9821 DSC_9870DSC_9870 DSC_9708DSC_9708 DSC_9740DSC_9740 DSC_9714DSC_9714 DSC_9862DSC_9862 DSC_9925DSC_9925 DSC_9912DSC_9912 DSC_9992DSC_9992

(Ra Imagery) portrait ra imagery wedding photography https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2017/8/2nd-shooter-for-8/26-wedding Thu, 31 Aug 2017 00:04:54 GMT
Micah's Newborn https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2017/7/micahas-newborn This family was one of the firsts for Ra Imagery, and it makes me happy to be lucky enough to capture them grow. Welcome to the world my little Micah mouse.



(Ra Imagery) "newborn" baby portrait https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2017/7/micahas-newborn Fri, 21 Jul 2017 22:17:23 GMT
Kristi's Maternity https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2017/6/kristis-maternity

I've known Kristi for quite some time, and it was an honor to do this shoot. I look forward to meeting baby Karson!!!

(Ra Imagery) Baby" Maternity', Ra Imagery https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2017/6/kristis-maternity Fri, 23 Jun 2017 00:31:52 GMT
Lana is 2 https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2017/4/lana-is-2 My first 2 year old session indoors......We all survived... Pheeew. Getting too big too fast Lana Bird. Soon your baby brother will be here to share the camera fun with you :)

(Ra Imagery) 2 year old Ra Imagery second birthday https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2017/4/lana-is-2 Thu, 06 Apr 2017 01:22:30 GMT
Amelia 8 Months https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2017/3/amelia-8-months I was fortunate to have this little lady as my first newborn. Here we are 8 months later, and wow have we both grown. Looking forward to her 1st Birthday!!!

(Ra Imagery) 8 Month Portrait Easter Photography Ra Imagery https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2017/3/amelia-8-months Tue, 28 Mar 2017 02:52:23 GMT
Samantha's Easter https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2017/3/samanthas-easter I may be a bit partial to this little lady, as her mother and I have grown wise together since we were itty. I have had the honor to capture many of her life events, and look forward to many more.





(Ra Imagery) Easter Photography Ra Imagery https://www.raimagery.com/blog/2017/3/samanthas-easter Sat, 11 Mar 2017 04:53:36 GMT